About FWC

Family Worship Centre (FWC) is a dynamic Ministry founded in 1999 under the Leadership and Stewardship of Apostle and Pastor Norma Mbambo, based at E section of Umlazi Location, Durban, South Africa.

We are a Ministry founded and based on solid biblical doctrine, which upholds the Bible as the infallibility Word of God. Fit for instruction, guidance and correction of all our members and associates. Family Worship Centre has impacted its community and surrounding areas through its message of salvation through Jesus Christ, Love, Forgiveness and Family Reconciliation. The Ministry has seen sons and daughters, mother and fathers being reconciled after many years of alienation, animosity and estrangement.

Family Worship Centre has gained a growing reputation for its outstanding and dynamic Praise and Worship, exceptional love and unconditional acceptance of all people. This ministry has over the years seen an exponential growth in young families and couples being formed contributing to a vibrant family structure which is the backbone of any community and nation.


Family Worship Centre provides an array of Christian based supportive groups and sub ministries. We pride ourselves of the following sub ministries:

• Couples Ministry
• Omakoti Network (For Engaged and Married Ladies)
• Single and Single Parent’s Ministry
• Youth Ministry
• Ladies Ministry
• Men Ministry
• Children’s Church
• Praise/Worship and Music Ministry
• Audio Visual and Media Ministry
• Sound Ministry

We provide opportunity and cultivate a supportive environment in which our members can find, nurture and grow their skills and talents. Through Prayer and Teaching of the Word we empower and skill members and associates to grow strong in the Lord and to be able to effectively engage and impact their environment in its diversity.

Through Family Worship Centre, many have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, many have started their own businesses, found employment, own their homes and have acquired various properties and assets.


We Believe:
• The Bible as the infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16)
• That we are Saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8&9)
• In Water Baptism by immersion of the body (Acts 2:38)
• In Divine Healing of the body (Mark 18:17)
• In the Rapture of Saints (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17)
• In the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and baptism with the evidence of speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)
• In Prayer in the Power of the Name of Jesus
• In the Trinity of God
• In the Local Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)
• In the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:11)
• In the Resurrection of the Dead (Revelation 20:12)
• In Tithing and bringing Offerings in the local church, giving alms and caring for the poor, sick, homeless and otherwise unfortunate