Apostle MMS Mbambo’s Profile


Pastor Norma Mambo was born at E section Umlazi Township. She was raised by a family who was saved thus was saved as a young person. As a young person she got involved in Youth programs and served in different ministries

She has been married to Apostle MMS Mambo for over 30 years and they were blessed with five children, a son in law and three grandchildren. They are the founders of Family Worship Centre, based at E section Umlazi, which has been in existence since year 2000. Family Worship Centre is a fast growing church and a strong congregation, which has become well known in South Africa.

Pastor Mbambo works with her husband where they minister God’s word around the world with such anointing. She is regarded as a Mother and an elder that has helped shaped many families especially Women’s ministries and Young Women ‘s Ministries in South Africa. Pastor Mbambo has been in the Ministry for over 20 years, which has led to her starting a Healing School. She also ministers in a number of radio programs. She has recently also started a Network for Omakoti,where she teaches, builds up and equips them for marriage . It has grown tremendously.

Her vision is that the salvation of the nations begins with the family. “To impact the families, through families their communities, and their communities our nation”.